Friday, January 30, 2009
The 'a' Appeal...Reality
My good friend Charlotte works for this charity and always used to talk about the charity in the past and i always remember saying i would love to do some work together for the charity but we would just repeat the conversation everytime we met....till i guess we were both at a time where it felt right and we had a better purpose and understanding for each-other in knowing how it could work us working together...
I have to admit, my knowledge wasn't as good as i thought, which i soon found out after visiting one of their evening groups a few days ago, the program i went to was around 7-10 children aged between 12-15 yrs old. The charity provides each child with their own helper who would be with them at all times.
I kept asking Charlotte what are the children like really expecting 1 answer for all, when it only made sense when i met them that every child was totally different from each other.
The first thing that really stood out was how amazing the team workers were, jumped into activities and dealt with every child with total confidence in terms of how to handle them when they may get too loud or excited, and then angry and upset.
I'm not great at going into great length over an event as....i'm simply rubbish at trying to explain something!!!
The bottom line for me was that reality really sank in when i was there, understanding what the parents or/and relatives have to do inorder to keep their child safe from harms way, it requires care 24 hours a day, it's not even like you can go to sleep and start it again tommorrow as you don't know whether your child will get up in the middle of the night, i heard one case of a little girl who kept trying to jump out of her window....and she lived in a high rise....!
On top of that, you then have someone who may be in pain but can't tell you, can you imagine? Being in so much pain and not able to tell anyone, no one understanding you, your voice not being heard, the confusion....and yet i know people who shout before they think, and have no consideration for other people's voices, it's deffo makes you re-think what i used to think was a high priority in life.
It made me see what i took for granted....there's not much more to go into apart from saying it opened my eyes to what's really important.
Each child i saw had something very special about them, you had the cheeky one who would know when to smile in order to get another biscuit, the most articulate young guy who i swear had better manners than my brothers lol and then the quiet one who only had to look at your with the most beautiful eyes iv ever seen which i could of sat and stared at all night!
The event i'm working on with Charlotte is on order the raise awareness for Autism and this specific charity, it's amazing much help they don't get considering what they do for young children and their families and did you know 1 in a 100 people are effected with autism?
I heard alot of different situations and story's about different families and what they go through, how to's not something everyone is trained to understand.
This has become very close to my heart and i will not stop until we achieve exactly and more what we have set out too......
Some Stats ...
• 2.3 million people in the UK are affected by autism: family, professionals, carers etc.
• Total people with autism in UK 587,900 (approx 1% of total UK population)
• 1% of total London population is 76,000 so this is approximate number of people living with autism in London.
• There is a common misconception that autism only affects white middle class families. Autism in fact affects people of all racial, ethnic, socio-economic backgrounds.
• Contrary to popular belief, there are likely to be around 17,500 families in London from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities affected by autism.
• There are an estimated 11,000 school-age children BME communities in England and Wales affected by autistic spectrum conditions.
• 4 times an hour, every working day a person is diagnosed with autism in the UK.
• Autism is one of the most common developmental disorders and yet is still one of the least understood.
• The cost of autism to the UK exceeds 1billion per year plus the average additional lifetime costs for living support and education estimated at nearly 3 million per person.
• 21% of children with autism have been excluded from school at least once.
• Autistic children are 20 times more likely to be excluded from school.
• 85% of teenagers with Aspergers (an autism spectrum condition) attempt suicide.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Going to LA in Feb...very excited more so for the fact that I may not be the only Brit going over..!!!
There's actually alot of things to look forward to this year, and I am so ready!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I LOVE my friends, it's true what they say, you chose your friends that you wish were your family...or something like that, im trying to say it without sounding like i hate my actual family lol! Its some comment along them lines...bottom line, their fucking amazing!!
Photo's soon...or some of them at least!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm in Love
Christina Milian
Us Against The World - Official Music Video
I have to say from seeing her in person a few times, she is as beautiful as she looks in the fakeness here......
Monday, January 12, 2009
I don't give to you?

Nobody’s gonna show you how
Why work for someone else
To do what you can do right now?
They say that a good thing never lasts
And then it has to fall
Those are the the people that did not
Amount to much at all
Love these two lyrics, i'll give it it Madonna.... i know its random but the lyrics are just two true for whats going on right now....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Go Go Go!!
Got a list of things to get completed by next week.....
Have to book my tickets to Ireland to visit family ..then off the LA, looking forward to getting back in the sun and seeing my friends there, wow iv missed them!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Late Standards

This stunning green malachite bracelet features a single rough diamond with a fixed donation going to the Diamond Empowerment Fund, raising funds for Africa. The Simmons Jewelry Co. collection offers a unique combination of materials. Inspired by Hip Hop culture, these bold, edgy and oversized designs are unlike any other jewellery on the market.
Price in UK £125
Price in US $125
Notice again how in UK, they just keep the same price with the £ sign instead of $...annoying.
Still ordered 1 in UK even though i'm back and forth to LA....clever, I know, but when i want something I can't wait....It's for a good cause so it's ok!!!:)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Jasmine Di Milo

Daddy's girl: Mohamed al-Fayed's daughter Jasmine is gaining a reputation as a hot young designer.
It's a momentary insight into the power of a family name – in this case, one that is fraught with colourful associations. It is not difficult to imagine why Jasmine al-Fayed, eldest daughter of Harrods' controversial owner Mohamed, might have wanted to ditch hers when christening her womenswear label.
Her now-signature sculptural cocktail dresses and fluid evening gowns are gracing red carpets around the world with increasing regularity, courtesy of A-listers such as Thandie Newton, Sienna Miller and Anne Hathaway. Stocked in more than 44 countries, the label is proving a hit with a young, international crowd who want – and can afford – high-end fashion that is glamorous but youthful and fun. Heck, even a few journalists are saying they like it.
Sitting in her studio, in the shadow of London's most famous department store, Jasmine al-Fayed is not the Knightsbridge princess one might expect. There are the tattoos, for one thing. Waif-like in her standard day ' uniform of low-key skinny jeans and a grey T-shirt, one slender forearm reveals a large tiger's head crowned with the words "GOD IS LOVE". On the other is a pair of wings. (What did her dad make of those? "Oh, he just did this little Muttley laugh. A wry smile," she chuckles. "He knew if he'd verbally indulged me I'd have had a whole sleeve done.") With her Aviators perched in her glossy hair and feline black eyeliner, her look is west London rock chick. Polished, with an edge.
I always remember going to The Burlington Club & an American women coming out of her Aston Martin and asking the door men 'who does the Valet' - if you could of only of seen everyone's faces, i wish to god i took a picture, they literally looked at her like she was from another which I then told her she can park on any single yellow line, (which was all around us might i add).. . she then looked at us like we were crazy for expecting her to park her (actually husband/bf/sugar daddy's) car (he was in the car) & then was like we cant park it on a random road - *newsflash, your not the only person in London with high-end car and 2nd, look around at all the cars parked*...the moral, London needs valet. The city will then be a better, happier place for fellow drivers on a night out.

Say it ain't so
Nothing beats "Sucka For Love"...still hands down my fave DK track