I always remember going to The Burlington Club & an American women coming out of her Aston Martin and asking the door men 'who does the Valet' - if you could of only of seen everyone's faces, i wish to god i took a picture, they literally looked at her like she was from another planet...to which I then told her she can park on any single yellow line, (which was all around us might i add).. . she then looked at us like we were crazy for expecting her to park her (actually husband/bf/sugar daddy's) car (he was in the car) & then was like we cant park it on a random road - *newsflash, your not the only person in London with high-end car and 2nd, look around at all the cars parked*...the moral, London needs valet. The city will then be a better, happier place for fellow drivers on a night out.

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